Your word

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Words have meaning. "Trust me, I give you my word." Words we use signal commitment. Seal your work with a handshake and you are guaranteeing performance and a solid delivery. Businesses are built on trust -- and it travels both ways -- trust is in constant volley between employer and employee. 

How does one develop trust? Who do you trust to work with? It is always the person who gives you their integrity. When we don’t honor our word, the foundation for business collapses. Do you wholeheartedly believe in what you submitted your word to? You must. 

The pilot is flying the plane, so you trust him. The chef in the kitchen has given you every ingredient in your dish, so you trust him. Next time you do something, think about your word and how important it is -- in every professional role, including your own. 

So, as we start a new decade, start fresh. Make sure you are standing behind your word. In this world that seems to be doing business via hasty, brief text messages and emojis, my advice is the following:  Slow down.  Show up on time. Be present. Deliver and don't stop until you do. They may be simple tenants to live by, but they define your integrity. 


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